Town Hall Meeting on Staten Island: 1/13/16

Dear members,

The need to advocate is essential in order to protect supports and services for our children.  Our local legislators need to Keep the Promise that was made to our children.

Attached please find a letter detailing what we still need to advocate for.

Also attached is a Save the Date flyer for the SIDDC Advocacy Committee on January 13, 2016 at CSI at 6:30 in the evening, along with some talking points that will be discussed.

Hope you can join us tomorrow for “Celebrating Achievements”!

Thank you.

The Staten Island Developmental Disabilities Council
Elizabeth Connelly Center
930 Willowbrook Road Building 41A
Staten Island, NY 10314

SIDDC Advocacy Meeting at CSI

SIDDC Advocacy Talking Points

SIDDC letter 12.10.15